Ops Tooling
Payload Builder
Rewards Injector
Automation Catalog
Alpha release
Powered by dRPC
Ops Tooling

Payload Builder Library

Choose from a variety of options to create Balancer DAO Payloads

Create DAO Payment Request

Build a token payment payload from a set whitelisted tokens and DAO wallets.

Enable Gauge for BAL Rewards in the veBAL system

Set up a payload to enable a gauge in the Balancer gauge system.

Remove Gauge from the veBAL system

Set up a payload to remove a gauge from the Balancer gauge system

Add Secondary Reward Tokens to Gauge

Add secondary rewards to a Balancer staking gauge.

Bridge USDC via CCIP

Bridge USDC stable coins between DAO Multisigs with the official CCIP bridge

Configure Swap Fees on a Pool

Configure the swap fee setting on a pool that have swap fee settings delegated to the DAO.